Highlights from recent Euromed® sponsored events!

Euromed® has been actively involved in two prestigious events this May, demonstrating our commitment to advancing scientific research in the Natural Products field.

XIV Congress of Phytotherapy City of Oviedo

From 17 to 19 May, we were proud to sponsor the XIV Congress of Phytotherapy in Oviedo. One of the highlights was a presentation of our innovative cucumber extract.

Clinical study with a cucumber extract (Cucumis sativus) in osteoarticular disorders.

Presented by: Dr. Ester Risco, Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Therapeutics, University of Barcelona.

Date: Saturday 18 May at 16:00

Euromed® team had the opportunity to attend a round table session on inflammation and pain to learn about the latest clinical trial results on the benefits of cucumber extract for osteoarticular conditions.

PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Young Scientists Meeting

This week Euromed® is attending the PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Young Scientists’ Meeting in Brno, Czech Republic from 21-24 May 2024. This event focuses on bioactive natural products in biology, pharmacy and cosmetics.

Venue: Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, Brno

Both events were attended by Andrea Zangara, Euromed’s Director of Scientific Communication & Medical Affairs, who is actively sharing insights and networking with other researchers and professionals in the field. We are delighted to have contributed to these important discussions and look forward to continuing our support for innovative research in natural products.

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